I have recently learned about nonduality which is a translation of the Sanskrit word ‘Advaita’, which means ‘not two’. It points to the essential oneness (wholeness, completeness, unity) of life. Oneness which exists here and now, prior to any apparent separation. In Open Focus language we can say that nonduality describes the objectless reality attended in the diffuse/immersed attention style. There is a big community attached to nonduality.

I hope people familiar with nonduality can be very receptive to the four attention styles theory. They are already aware that there is objectless (nondual) reality which is for some of them, more real than the reality based on objects (dual). I believe, they could benefit from learning about the Open Focus approach which says that:

1. Both objective (dual) and objectless (nondual) realities are equally real. It depends on our attention style which of them we perceive.


2. The diffuse/immersed attention style which belongs to objectless (nondual) reality can be practiced using Open Focus exercises. They can help to access pure awareness and let things happen, observe without naming, admire without looking for purpose and rules.

3. Everyone can become attention flexible and has the ability to switch between attention styles. The ability to switch between attention styles (from objective to objectless) is very practical in everyday life and enables us to dissolve pain, anxiety, become more creative and fall asleep etc

4. Everyone can live in Open Focus and practice attending in all styles at the same time.

5. The diffuse/immersed attention style has been linked to a specific brain waves pattern called the whole brain synchrony in alpha frequency. It has been done by Dr Lester Fehmi, neuroscientist and psychologist form Princeton, US. Dr Fehmi designed an EEG neurofeedback machine which can detect this brain waves pattern. We can say that his machine objectifies a subjective experience of attending in the diffuse/immersed attention style. It also means that Dr Fehmi defined a direct link between electric processing in the brain and the way we perceive reality.

6. The four styles attention theory describes two ‘mid’ attention styles between the narrow/objective and the diffuse/immersed. They are narrow/immersed and diffuse/objective. It gives a very good tool to understand, explain and practice sensing objectless reality.